How to embed Flash in PowerPoint

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Embed Flash in PowerPoint or insert a Youtube video and take your presentations to the next level. 

Please note: Adobe will stop distributing and updating Flash Player after 31 December 2020. So embedding flash in your presentations is not really a recommended method anymore. You can embed videos or link YouTube videos instead. 

Here are the Tutorial steps to embed Flash Files:

  1. Go to Microsoft Office button -> PowerPoint Options -> Popular tab -> Show Developer Tab in the Ribbon
  2. On the Developer tab select ‘More controls’ option
  3. On the ‘More Controls’ menu – select ‘Shockwave Flash Object’
  4. Drag the cursor on the slide to draw and resize the play area for the flash movie
  5. Right click on the area marked X and go to ‘Properties’
  6. On the Properties tab, set ‘Embed Movie’ option as ‘True’
  7. Click on the Movie tab and type the complete file path.For example – F:RamgopalFlash gallery2gallery.swf (You may type a URL where the flash movie is located. For example – (Additional steps to insert Youtube video below.)
  8. If you want the flash movie to play automatically when the slide appears, set the ‘Playing’ property as ‘True’.
  9. Close the tab and save your presentation. When you watch the slide on slideshow mode, you can enjoy your flash movie

Related: 6 Power Point Shortcuts To Present Better

How to insert YouTube videos in PowerPoint?

Follow the exact steps as shown above. The only difference is in Step 7.

When you click on the ‘Movie’ tab, type the URL of the YouTube video you want to include. However, you need to change the URL slightly to make it possible to play on your slide. Here are the steps for the change:

  1. Copy the URL of the YouTube video you want to embed, onto a notepad
  2. Delete “watch?”
  3. Replace the ‘=’ sign with ‘ ⁄ ’

Watch the following video to learn the steps to embed YouTube Videos in PowerPoint: 


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