PowerPoint Slide Doesnt Move!

by Kevin
(on Yahoo Answers)

My Power Point Presentation slide won’t move from the first slide. How do I make it move from slide to slide?

Comments for PowerPoint Slide Doesn’t Move!

Issue with Slide Movement
by: Presentation Process Expert
I am assuming you are having multiple slides and the slides won’t move when you are in Full Screen or Slideshow mode.This may happen in 2 cases

Issue 1. if you have set up a Custom Slide Show with just the first slide.

Solution: Go to your slideshow tab > Custom Slideshow and check if you have any listed there and remove them.
Custom Slideshow

You would set up Custom Slide Show if you wanted to exclude certain slides or reorder existing slides for a particular presentation. If you have multiple custom slideshows, you can select which one you want to run.
Sometimes, when playing with this option, presenters tend to select 1 slide and then leave the menu. This ends up causing this issue of slides not moving ahead as they are using the setup a custom show.

Issue: 2. Your Transition is NOT set to Advance On Mouse Click.
Solution: Go to Transution Tab and check if the Advance Slide on Mouse Click Option is checked. If not, Check the option and Apply it to All slides. This will ensure that your slides move forward in slideshow option.

You would usually uncheck the Advance on Mouse Click option, if you wanted to have a presentation navigation only with Hyperlinks. It makes the presentation look more like a website rather than a presentation.

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