SWOT analysis example chart in PowerPoint

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Here is a simple example  of SWOT analysis chart in PowerPoint. Follow our simple step by step instructions to create this chart for your business presentations.

SWOT Analysis Example chart in PowerPoint:

SWOT analysis is probably one of the most common models used in business presentations. This ‘situation analysis’ tool is easy to understand and practical to use. Here is an example of SWOT chart you will learn to create in this article:

Swot analysis example templateLet us learn the steps right away.

Step 1: Create the 4 quadrants

Go to Auto shapes menu and pick the ‘Rounded rectangle’ tool. Hold the ‘Shift’ tab to create a square with rounded corners.

Right click on the square and go to ‘Size and Position’ option. Change the Angle of rotation to 45°:

Rotate Rounded rectangle for swot Make three more copies of the shape and arrange them as four quadrants as shown below:

quadrants for swot analysis Make sure that the squares are aligned properly and distributed with equal distance.

Related: Matrix template in PowerPoint

Step 2: Add the finishing touches

Now, it is time to make the squares look beautiful. Click on each of the squares and apply a quick style of your choice:

Color swot analysis template When you add some sheen and enter relevant text, your SWOT template chart gets ready:

Final SWOT Analysis example Since the angle of rotation of the squares is altered, you can’t enter text directly into the squares. This will make the text appear in awkward angles. So, we enter the text separately by using ‘text box’ tool in auto shapes menu. The kite shape of the squares makes it easy for us to fit in longer text.

Variation of SWOT template chart:

There is no ‘one way’ to create a SWOT chart. Likewise, there is no one way to shade the squares. You can choose to shade all the squares in one color and differentiate a specific square with a different shade as shown here:

Variation of Matrix Diagram Once you learn the basic method, you can come up with your own variations.

Here is a creative swot analysis example from our ready to use templates pack – PowerPoint 2 CEO Packs Bundle:

Creative SWOT template from CEO Pack 2 Source: Consulting Models from 2 CEO Bundle

Here is a variation of the consulting diagram with 3D formatting:

3D SWOT analysis Diagram from CEO Pack 2

These 2 above templates are taken from PowerPoint 2 CEO Bundle which has more than 1600 premium charts, diagrams and graphics to help you visualize every business idea imaginable. You can browse through and evaluate the templates yourself with the link here.
You can create other variations too with animations and a 3D arrow at the center:

SWOT template from CEO Pack 1 Here is another Strength Weakness Opportunities and Threats analysis template from PowerPoint SWOT section of CEO Bundle

Strength Weakness Opportunities and Threats analysis template

It is not always possible to create professional looking graphics for your business presentations because of the time and effort levels they demand. At the same time, you can’t compromise on the look and feel of your slides too. That is why we came up with an elegant solution for busy business presenters like you.
We recommend you take a look at our ‘PowerPoint 2 CEO Packs Bundle’ with the links provided here .

Related:  Creative Cluster Diagram in PowerPoint

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