Contest Entry 1: The Power of Sharing on Social Media

by Stacey Chiu (Irvine, CA, USA)

After - The Diagram

Before - The Usual Slide

A picture is worth a thousand words. An animated diagram is worth even more. Key message in the original 'text-filled' slide: Social networking provides unprecedented power to reach more people with contest than ever before. The main intention of this slide is to convey the exponential power to reach people through social media. A diagram helps the audience to visualize and develop this concept more completely than text on a slide. Seeing what "exponential" means has a lot more impact than hearing about it. The diagram can also be animated so that various components appear as the relevant information is being presented. This allows the presenter to emphasize information and walk the audience through the information in an engaging way. The same information presented on the 'usual' slide gets lost in a sea of text and is less memorable. Other business situations that this diagram could be modified to display are word of mouth, viral marketing, and the inter-connectivity of social networking platforms.

Comments by Presentation Process:

The diagram has used simple icons and symbols to show the relationship between ideas. The people who help the message spread are colored differently showing their role in the spread of the ideas.

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