Creative Activities to Present

by Edriam Salter (Ghana )

I have been asked to do a presentation. I really need creative activities that I can do for my audience to understand mental illness. I will be presenting to an audience size of 21 people.

Comments for Creative Activities to Present

Jun 07, 2011 Creative ideas for a presentation by: Presentation Process Expert You can have 2 types of creative activities. The first type is to create activities where class is just engaged. The second type is to bring out empathy for the subject, since it is a sensitive subject. Here are some ideas for you to look at:Activity to engage audience: Conduct a quiz: Create a short quiz, either on slides or on cards and conduct a quiz about the subject. You can do this right at the opening. How well your audience answer the questions will indicate the level of their knowledge. If you are looking for more creative ways to open your presentation,you can get ideas from this article. . Activity to get audience to empathize: Show a short video clip: You can get short clips from movies like Rainman that can help your audience understand your subject better. The video clip can be only of 2-3 minute length. Do an activity: If you want to show that people with illness are unable to do specific functions like reading or sitting still, then get someone from your audience to volunteer. Create the situation (where they are blind folded or hands are tied behind their back) and they need to do something like pick up stuff. This activity will show the difficulty such people face in their life. You can find more creative presentations ideas here. These ideas should help you get started. Happy Presenting!

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