In a PowerPoint presentation what would look more professional?

by Avze (Yahoo Answers)

Slide Title Page 1 Image

I have two slides with the same title. So slide 1, says TITLE. For slide two should I type in TITLE OR TITLE (continued) OR TITLE (cont'd) or something else?

Comments for In a PowerPoint presentation what would look more professional?

May 18, 2011 Solution to Slide Title by: Presentation Process Expert
Here is my comments on each of the options that you have mentioned. 1. When you use the same title on multiple slide, it confuses your audience. They dont understand why the slide title has not changed, even though the rest of the content has changed. So this option of using the same slide title in multiple slides is better avoided. 2. The second option TITLE (continued) seems much clearer. Again using abbreviations in the 3rd option (cont'd) is better avoided. Too many people get confused by abbreviations. Alternatively, you could use something simple like: Title 1 Title 2 OR Title...continued... All these are equally professional. I have attached the images of 2 slides to show you how multiple slides will look when you have titled them like this.

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