Where is the Outline View located? How do I find it?

by batistafan (Yahoo Answers)

Outline Tab View in PowerPoint In a discussion, I was told to see what the outline view looks like for my PowerPoint presentation by clicking on the Outline and Slides tab. Where are these tabs located? How do I find them?

Comments for Where is the Outline View located? How do I find it?

Jun 03, 2011 Finding the outline view by: Presentation Process ExpertCheck for Outline by following these steps: 1. Ensure your 'slides thumbnail' view is visible. If it is not, go to View Option in your Menu and click on Normal View. You will see small slide thumbnails on the left of your screen.2. Once this is visible, if you check the space between view and the menu, you will find that you are on the SLIDES tab. You can add, edit, duplicate slides using the slide thumbnails in this view.Behind the Slides Tab is the OUTLINE tab. Clicking on that will reveal the outline view. I have added a screenshot to your question to show where the tab is located.Using the outline view is a great way to ensure that your presentation story flows.If you are still not able to see outline: Go to FILE menu > PUBLISH SLIDES and CREATE HANDOUT option. In that generate the Outline to word in OUTLINE View, Now you can see the outline in a word document. This is a good option if you want to share the presentation with someone or give handouts.
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