How to Video Conference Effectively

Home Presentation Tips>  How to Video Conference Sometimes presenters are expected to present over voice or video conferencing. They find the experience very different and difficult as response is not instantaneous like a live audience. Also, there are far more chances of technical glitches that make it challenging. Here is the step-by-step process of how such presentations can be made more effective.
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Better Virtual Presentations - Presentation Transcript

  1. VIRTUAL PRESENTATIONS Working with Video / Voice conferencing
  2. Imagine making a business presentation…
  3. Where your audience is standing behind a wall
  4. It is frustrating on both sides!
  5. This is exactly what happens when we communicate over video or phone or chat conference
  6. The presenter: Cannot see audience reaction
  7. For the audience : it is just a boring voice or video
  8. This happens as…
  9. …parts of our usual communication is missing 2-way Interaction Reactions Body Language Eye Contact
  10. Minimal Rule The only way to make a successful virtual presentations is to ENGAGE audiences continuously
  11. Engaging audiences includes…
  12. Setting up offline
  13. Using multiple modes of communication
  14. Allocating time for interaction
  15. Using voice effectively
  16. Sticking to schedule
  17. Let us see each point in detail…
  18. 1. Set up offline Get to the conference early and test all equipment on both sides
  19. Time spent adjusting equipment is very boring for the audience
  20. Mute cell phone and switch off other distractions
  21. 2. Use Multiple Modes of Communication
  22. Email the presentation ahead of time A visual slide will add more impact to such a presentation!
  23. 3. Allocate time for interaction Presentation Questions Opinions Polls
  24. Since people cannot see each other…
  25. ...they speak at the same time and the presenter becomes confused
  26. Allocate time for each person and pause between points for questions
  27. Enforce interaction every 3 minutes. Ask questions, conduct an online poll etc!
  28. 4. Use voice effectively Enthusiasm in your voice is the key to a more engaged audience
  29. Tip: To appear natural, make someone sit in the room same room and present to them
  30. 5. Create schedule Topic 1 Introduction Topic 2 … and stick to the time limit set Questions Call to action
  31. Take other discussions to other modes like emails, one-to-one calls, etc
  32. Finally, a conference call does not end the presentation…
  33. Follow up with minutes of meeting to confirm understanding on both sides
  34. The minutes should contain…
  35. Presentation highlights
  36. Answers to questions
  37. Decision taken
  38. To recap…
  39. Engage your audiences more by…
  40. Setting up offline
  41. Using multiple modes of communication
  42. Giving time for interaction
  43. Using voice effectively
  44. Sticking to schedule
  45. Send Minutes of meeting
  46. Make your next virtual presentation a powerful one!
  47. This presentation was made with Minimal™ Approach.

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