Create Metallic PowerPoint Balance

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Discover a simple way to create scales in PowerPoint with a metallic sheen. Follow our step by step instructions to create this stunning and useful diagram.

The PowerPoint balance diagram you will learn is:

Once you learn this basic diagram, you can create your own variations like the one you see below:

PowerPoint Slide Design: Glossy Ball Tutorial

Where to use balance diagrams?

A balance diagram is usually used to represent evaluation of options.  Whether you want to depict‘work – life balance’ or ‘time –money balance’, the diagram comes in handy to convey your concept in a memorable way.

Here are the components for creating the diagram:

As you could see, the diagram is made of simple shapes. The tools to draw the shapes are available in Auto shapes menu.

Let us take a quick look at how to draw the components that make the diagram:

Component A: Rectange Shape

Draw a rectangle to form the base of the balance

Component B:Can Shape

Use the ‘Can’ tool to draw the central beam of the balance. Place it vertically touching the centre of the rectangular base.

Component C: Triangle Shape

Select the triangle shape from the menu and stretch it on either side to form the arms of the balance. Position the triangle on top of the beam as shown in the diagram.

Component D: Chord Shape

The pans of the balance are made using ‘chord’ shape. Adjust the yellow handles of the shape to make a semicircle and flatten it to resemble a pan. Once you have the pan, it is easy to draw the chains connecting to arms using ‘line’ tool.

Component E: Chord Shape

The dial is made of two semicircular shapes created using the ‘Chord’ tool or ‘pie’ tool. You can create the needle using a line or triangle.

Shading the shapes with Gradient fill:

You can improve the look and feel of the shapes using ‘Gradient fill’ option. Here are the steps to achieve the metallic shade…

Select the shape you want to shade, Right click -> Format shape -> Fill -> Gradient fill -> Preset colors and choose ‘Moss’ option.

Select the colors for the three stops as shown below:

Select the direction of fill as Linear right as shown below:

Apply the same shading to all the shapes using Format painter. Your diagram is ready.

You can always vary the length of the string on either sides of the balance to show the heaviness of the object being evaluated.

Using SmartArt tool to create Balance diagram:

Sometimes you may want to use the following SmartArt diagram to show the PowerPoint balance:

While the diagram helps you make the point, there is a small problem. The diagram has been beaten to death by presenters worldwide. So, you run the risk of losing your audience by showing such clichéd SmartArt diagrams.

Learn 5 PowerPoint SmartArt Tricks

You can also professional diagram templates:

Imagine the kind of impact you make on your audience when you use professional diagram templates like you see here:

PowerPoint Options: Positive Negative

Source: PowerPoint Balance from Charts & Diagrams CEO pack

PowerPoint Scales: Options

PowerPoint Balance Diagram

PowerPoint Charts & Diagrams Pack
Instantly download 750+ easily editable PowerPoint Diagrams for CEOs. Templates already have subtle animations built in!

These diagrams are created in PowerPoint and are therefore fully editable. Your high stakes presentations deserve to look good to make a lasting impact on your audience.

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