PowerPoint Chart Variations to Compare Quarterly Performance

Home > Presentation of Data Page > PowerPoint Chart variations Find some useful PowerPoint chart alternatives to compare performance across four quarters. Get inspired to use the ideas in your next business presentation.

Comparing Performance Across 4 Quarters:

In business presentations it is common to compare performance values across four quarters. The usual approach is to use a line chart to plot values for all the months in one go. This makes it difficult for the audience to compare performance - quarter by quarter. In this article we will see some useful ideas to solve the issue.

Using line chart with marked lines:

Instead of using a single line chart, it helps to use a variation like the following chart template: There is a clear gap between the quarters making it easy to compare performances. The line charts have distinct colors with different types of markers further enhancing the differentiation. We used drop lines to guide the eyes easily to match the months with performance values. Related: Exciting Line Chart Template Ideas Here are more PowerPoint chart alternatives…

Using different colored column:

A useful variation of the above chart template is this:

Source: Comparison for Quarters from Visual Graphs Pack

In this, we used different colored columns for different quarters for easy identification

Adding average values for each quarter:

To take the previous chart template to the next level we can add a line chart that shows average value for each quarter. Take a look at the following chart template for example: The above chart eliminates the need for the audience to do any mental calculation. Related: Interesting Dashboard Charts

Formatting the axis values:

If you don’t want to format the columns of lines you can make it easy for your audience by formatting the axis values. Take a look at the following chart template: The quarters are clearly marked along with the months in the X-axis. This makes the data easy to read.

Inference about PowerPoint Chart Variations

Thus by making small tweaks and adjustments, you can make your charts far more audience friendly than the usual charts. If you want to save time, you can save your PowerPoint chart variations as preformatted chart templates. So, every time you want to use the charts, you just need to enter values for the months without worrying about the formatting. Smarter option for business presenters: If you don’t want to invest the large amount of time and effort it takes to create insightful charts we have an elegant solution for you. We recommend you take a look at our ‘Visual PowerPoint Graphs Pack’. The pack has over 320 business relevant chart templates to take care of all your business needs. In fact, all the chart templates you saw in this article are taken from the pack. Here are some column chart ideas from Visual Graphs Pack:  We have done all the hard work in formatting the templates, so you don’t have to waste time polishing your slides. To edit a chart template, right click on the chart. Go to ‘Edit data’ option. Replace sample data with your own data. The chart updates itself. Creating stunning charts has never been easier before. Why waste time constructing your charts from the scratch when you have such a useful solution available off the shelf? Related: Tutorial to create 3D Column Chart in PowerPoint Return to Top of PowerPoint Chart variations for Quarterly Performance Page

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