5 PowerPoint Concept Graphics from Biology

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Here are five PowerPoint graphics with concepts inspired from the field of biology for your business presentations. Get inspired to create your own variations.

Biology as source for PowerPoint Concept Graphics:

Sometimes when you want to convey your business concepts accurately you may not get your inspiration from the usual places. You may need to go a bit out of your way to search for inspiration from unconventional sources. In this article, we wish to show you some interesting business concepts created by taking inspiration from the field of biology.

1. Concept of competition from the field of Fertilization

We all know the kind of intense competition that goes on among a multitude of sperms to conquer the only egg available. This is an excellent concept to explain the idea of ‘intense competition in the market place to win business from one ‘big customer’’.

Take a look at the following diagram template that portrays the concept:

2. Organization division inspired from Cell division

When you want to convey concepts like division of an organization or department, you can use the visual of cell division to capture the idea. Take a look at the following diagram template that portrays the concept of ‘division’ in a step wise manner:

Source: Metaphors from PowerPoint Graphics CEO Pack 2

3. Aligning business to customer needs inspired from Sun flower

We all know that Sun flower adjusts itself to face the Sun at all points of time during the day. This simple natural phenomenon can be used to convey the idea of aligning one’s business to the ever-changing needs of customers at all times. Take a look at the following flower diagram template that incorporates the concept: Related: See more business ideas generated from a garden here >>

4. Using everyday phrases as inspiration

We have all heard about the values or principles that form the DNA of a company. Sometimes, it may be interesting to use the graphic of DNA as the foundation to mark out various values and principles of an organization. Here is a diagram template that captures the idea easily:

5. Transferring best practices inspired by cross pollination

Most organizations use the idea of transferring best practices of one department to the other to enhance the overall efficiency of an organization. You can portray the idea clearly by using the concept of cross-pollination. Here is a diagram template that captures the concept in an elegant way:

Source: Metaphors from PowerPoint Graphics CEO Pack 2

It is not always easy to get the right idea to visualize your business concepts accurately. It helps to have a bank of ideas handy to convey your concepts quickly and effectively. However, it may not be possible to create such professional looking diagrams from scratch every time you want to create a business presentation. That is why we came up with the ‘PowerPoint Graphics and Concepts Pack Volume 2 for CEOs’. In fact, the diagram templates you saw in this article are taken from our the CEO pack Vol. 2. All the templates in the packs are fully editable. Just choose the templates that match your concept. Replace the sample text with your own text and your business slides get ready in no time. Creating professional presentations has never been easier. Please browse the diagrams collection : If you liked this article on PowerPoint concept graphics, do browse through our site for 100s of such creative business presentation ideas.

Related: Interesting Visual Business Ideas from Physics

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